Sunday mornings are an important part of our week - a joyful time to meet together and celebrate who God is and all that He's done. Whatever your background or beliefs, all are welcome to come and enjoy this time with us.
Our service time is 9:45am in the Forest Lake State High School Hall, High Street, Forest Lake, which is located just accross from the Forest Lake Shopping Centre.
Our Service
The service usually lasts for about ninety minutes. The vibe is friendly and relational so you're fine to dress casual. There will be different elements throughout the service: music, prayer, a sermon and depending on the week, updates about ministry, missions or the Lord's Supper. After the service and other weeks there is plenty of time to hang around and chat after the service.
Kids' Ministry
Kids are precious. Teaching them to enjoy Jesus and make Him known is a big priority (Psalm 78:3-7, Mark 10:14). At the moment, we run kids' ministry for young kids (prep to grade 4). The ministry is run by trusted kids' helpers with bluecards, and is available during the sermon time. For ages 8-12, we provide activity folders to help them follow along during the sermon.