From the beginning, the story of Nations Church has always and only ever been a story of God’s work. Nations Church is His church, living to tell His story. Being part of God’s great story is our joy and privilege.
God Shapes Convictions
Rich and Matt met in 2014, working as part of the same church in Manchester, UK. It's a city in which people live from every corner of the globe. This shared experience grew in Matt and Rich a heart to see the churches represented by people from all nations. During those years of ministry together Rich and Matt shared many hours of conversation about all aspects of church ministry and leadership. In a way they could never have guessed, the Lord was using these times to shape, align and prepare them for a work yet to come.
God Opens the Way
It’s healthy to look back and remember all the amazing things the Lord in His sovereignty has done to order events and prepare the way for our church to be formed. As we look back, it's clear it's been His work all along and not ours. In too many ways to recount, the Lord assembled a core team, moved people to pray, provided a venue and funding support, prompted the generous offer of a location, and provided coaching and a sending church.
God Forms a Church
In early 2019, the Core Group of Nations Church was made up of around sixteen adults and a dozen children. The Lord brought together a group of normal people with a common love for Jesus and a common vision for a church to be planted in this part of Brisbane to reach people from all kinds of nations and backgrounds.
Looking ahead
It’s exciting to think about what the Lord might do in us and through us in the months and years ahead as we grow together as a church. Our prayer is that we’ll be a church that brings much glory and praise to our God and His Jesus, and sees many lives and eternities transformed through the gospel of His glorious grace. The story continues.
What might your part be?