Being involved in the life of a local church is critical to following Jesus and developing as His disciple. We consider it a privilege to serve God and serve others. We would love help you get connected.
1. Join us on Sunday
The simplest way to get connected is by coming along to our weekly church gathering. you'll have a chance to meet people, sing and hear God's Word preached. We're keen to meet you and help you feel at home.
2. Plug in with one of our Gospel Communities
Join us in one of our groups that meet regularly in our homes. These groups are central in the life of our church. Through our Gospel Communities we grow deeper together in our love for Jesus and learn to live out the values we share. Much of our outreach takes place through these groups.
3. Attend the Membership Sessions
We encourage everyone who calls our church home to become a member. We have three membership sessions that we run at various time during the year. At these sessions you'll find out all about our church and what church membership is all about. It's also a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
4. Join a Service Team
Every week there's opportunities to serve in all kinds of ways. Our teams serve in areas such as: welcome, kids' ministry, music, setup and AV. There's also opportunites to receive training in these areas and training in leadership within these areas.
Email to get connected